US faces grim winter as Covid cases and deaths set new records again – live updates

Posted by on December 4, 2020 6:45 am
Categories: Global Stories

11.45am GMT

Here’s something for your ears today. As the US justice department investigates an alleged ‘bribery for pardon’ scheme at the White House, Jonathan Freedland and our Washington bureau chief David Smith delve into the many possible legal issues Donald Trump could face after 20 January, in this week’s extra episode of our Politics Weekly podcast.

Might Donald Trump, once stripped of the near-total immunity that came with his office, face the full might of the law? Could he be charged with crimes, or even go to jail? Or might he pardon himself in advance? Freedland and Smith discuss the many potential scenarios that could play out once Trump is no longer the commander-in-chief.

Related: Pardon me! Will Trump be indicted? Politics Weekly Extra podcast

11.31am GMT

Rich McKay and David Morgan at Reuters have this on another aspect of the Georgia Senate runoff – the Republican worry that Trump loyalist Kelly Loeffler’s attacks on her opponent, the pastor Rev. Raphael Warnock risk suburban votes.

Loeffler’s attack ads have sought to portray Warnock as a dangerous anti-American, anti-police, anti-Israel “Marxist” tied to Black Chicago pastor Jeremiah Wright and an infamous 2008 sermon in which he declared: “God damn America!”

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