Coronavirus live news: Queensland steps up alert; protesters try to storm Reichstag

Posted by on August 29, 2020 7:29 pm
Categories: Global Stories

Demonstrations in Germany and UK against coronavirus restrictions; Australian opposition calls for wider care home inquiry; Turkey sees two-month high in cases. Follow all the developments live

12.29am BST

And in Victoria, Australia’s worst-affected state.

#COVID19VicData for 30 August, 2020. There were 114 new cases detected in Victoria yesterday. Sadly we report 11 lives lost – condolences to all affected. More information will be available later today via our media release.

12.24am BST

Staying in Australia, the government in the northern state of Queensland has added more locations to a public health alert in the south-east.

The ABC, Australia’s public broadcaster, is reporting there are are now 120 locations under the alert, as identified by contact tracers.

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