Coronavirus live news: Europe cases continue to rise as Victoria sees fewest in two months

Posted by on August 28, 2020 7:38 pm
Categories: Global Stories

France racks up post-lockdown high in new infections; Australian state sees 18 deaths and 94 cases; India sets new daily record with more than 77,000 cases. Follow all the updates live

12.38am BST

Liberal MP Trent Zimmerman has just been on ABC News, where he addressed the sad story from yesterday where a woman’s unborn child died after she waited 16 hours before she could be flown from NSW into Queensland for surgery.

Zimmerman said it was a “tragic human story” due to “decision-making that’s occurred” under Queensland’s Labor premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.

12.26am BST

New South Wales Health has strongly advised that people from Sydney and the Central Coast should not visit an aged care facility for the next two weeks, as cases rise.

In a statement, the department stressed this was a “precautionary step”, but was spurred by the latest outbreak in the Sydney CBD.

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